Tuesday 13 September 2011

Mini Chocolate cupcakes

Okay so I am back in an attempt to get more recipes and try out new things. Now I just need to find the camera that my husband took on a trip with him. My mother in law bought one of those fast cooking cupcake machines (I will post a link to one below) so I figured it was a good time to test a chocolate cupcake recipe. As I am intending to start selling cakes and such soon I like to test out recipes which I will start discussing here. Hopefully if anyone reads this it will help them out a bit with baking and such stuff. Okay so on to the recipe.

The recipe I used is from a book called "Gorgeous Cake" By Annie Bell, and can I just say that the book lives up to its name and all the cakes inside look so pretty. The recipe I used for my little testing cakes is called truffle cupcakes on page 16. Now in the recipe they use golden caster sugar, now I have never seen golden caster sugar in my life nor was I going to beg for a ride to the store to fetch some. I just used normal white caster sugar in mine as its what I had didn't mess anything up in terms of how they cooked. The book suggests that I use a chocolate and double cream icing for the cakes (probably to make it more truffle tasting) but I did a butter cream frosting and put coco powder in it and was told by my taste testers that they were yummy.

This is a really good recipe simple and only took me about 10 minutes to mix it all up and get it in the mini cupcake maker, which is awesome if your busy and want some cakes when you get in from work. ( I would advise store bought frosting or making sure you have the butter softened) Next time I go to the store to get double cream for soup as it getting to be soup season and use the left over to make the icing for these tasty cakes. I used a mini cupcake machine to make these and not the mini oven I have in a small room off the kitchen. I must say for such a small machine it did a good job of cooking the cakes properly, even though I tend to over fill the cases on most days. But yeah if I was making mini cakes for people to put in lunch boxes and such this would be a good tool to always have out on your kitchen counter. It does get a bit hot when you use it and like always I was all handsy with it and burnt myself a few times.

Now for the linky links:

Buy this book its awesome:http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gorgeous-Cakes-Published-Association-Magazine/dp/1856266141/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315912551&sr=1-1

The best machine ever: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sensiohome-CBS002-Mini-Cupcake-Maker/dp/B003UTUO6S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315912437&sr=8-1

(if anyone knows how to make the links work please put it in the comments)

If anyone wants the recipe please put a comment and I will attempt to get it to you other than that buy the book. :D

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